At Kulanu teens we will combine prayer and texts to spark discussion as we work towards a meaningful Jewish journey to personal discovery.
Join Ruth Malka on Rosh Hashana. This is the time to look backwards and to look forward. We evaluate the past year and get a chance to begin again. Everyone needs a new beginning. What is new in you? What’s new in the world? What things seem the same, but might not be? On Rosh Hashana we try to conceive of a plan, to engage in a vision of the future, to have ambition and desire to take an active part in the coming year. Together we will discuss the gift of beginning again as well as the challenges associated with starting a new.
Join Arnie Adler as we observe Yom Kippur 5782, let’s get together under the tent at Ohav Shalom again this year, rain or shine, to review the tumultuous year that was. A year filled with political, racial and social divisions, a year with bouts of violence both here at home and in the Middle East (the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Afghanistan), a year of challenges and uncertainties related to the COVID pandemic which has taken a toll on all of us, one way or another. This Yom Kippur, let’s together review and discuss the possible paths forward towards societal healing and reconciliation. Looking forward to seeing you!