Congregation Ohav Shalom

Building Community Celebrating Tradition

113 New Krumkill Road, Albany, NY 12208 / (518) 489-4706 / Email Us /

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Adult learning experiences are good for the mind, body and soul! According to Harvard Medical School, “scientists have found that brainy activities stimulate new connections between nerve cells and may even help the brain generate new cells, developing neurological ‘plasticity’ and building up a functional reserve that provides a hedge against future cell loss. Any mentally stimulating activity should help to build up your brain. Read, take courses…” Ohav has just the ticket for you to do this with our Lifelong Learning options!

Current Ohav Shalom Lifelong Learning Classes 

A Torah Study Circle led by Rabbi Rena Kieval

Through reading and lively conversation, our group studies the basic content, the peshat, of each parsha, and explores its deeper teachings through traditional and contemporary commentary and our own thinking. We use the Etz Chayim chumash as our text, and students may purchase a copy through the Ohav office at the time of registration.     

Thursdays at 11 a.m. on Zoom,  

Currently all classes are conducted through Zoom

  • Instructor: Rabbi Rena Kieval
  • Thursday mornings 11 a.m. – 12:15 pm: 
  • Cost: $42 for Ohav members and $54 for non members ~  optional charge of $65 to purchase Etz Chayim

Register Here



Study Talmud 

Mondays every week at 11:00 AM – online ONLY 

Course fee: Ohav Shalom members $42 per session, non-members $54 per session.

The great text of Jewish tradition. Join us for this text exploration and skill building class. No prior knowledge of Hebrew or Talmud necessary. Led by Rabbi Ornstein.

 – Join at any time come as often as you can. Bring a friend and learn together.

No class on Mondays coinciding with Federal and traditional Jewish holidays

To join by Zoom option

Class Cost: $42 for Ohav Shalom Members

                     $54 for non Ohav Members

Register Here


Lovers of Torah Study Group: Torah L’Shma – Please join us on alternate Wednesdays from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm for adult, peer-led study and discussion about the weekly Torah portion, focused on how the Torah’s message is relevant for us today. Contact the Ohav Shalom Office for more information.