5783 Shabbat Shmooze Series: “The Third Torah” with Dr. Jim Hendler, Director, Future of Computing Institute, RPI
As most of us know, Jewish knowledge and the laws (halacha) we follow are based on what are often referred to as the Written Torah and the Oral Torah (the Gemara, Talmud, and later rabbinical decisions).
But wait! The written Torah starts “In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth…” This is a reference to the creation and the laws of our universe – the physical world we live in – which we must consider as a third Torah, as it were. In recent years, science has begun to explore and push the boundaries between the moral, the physical, and the ethical – bringing together these three Torahs in new and interesting ways.
Join us for Shabbat service, Dec. 3, 2022 9:30am -11:30am followed by a kiddush luncheon and an exhilarating conversation with Dr. Hendler.