Ohav Shalom’s Men’s Club invites you to…
Start the New Year with the act of giving
In Memory of Nate Erlbaum Blood Drive
Sunday, October 27, 2019
8:00am – 12:00pm (Social Halls)
For an appointment, please visit Ohav’s Blood Drive
RedCrossBlood.org and enter sponsor code: OhavShalom / call 1-800-RED=CROSS (1-800-733-2767)
Featuring, Maureen Roberts,American Red Cross Accounts Manager for Albany County Maureen will be our guest speaker and will share the Red Cross’ message: Give the best gift – ‘gift of life with the following talking points.
• Overview of the Red Cross – services • Why there is need for blood collections • Who received blood donations • Donation process • Eligibility
Everyone is welcome to join us. You can sign up to donated blood and stick around for the lecture and brunch, perhaps you’ll just come for the brunch and sign up to donate. You can simply come to enjoin the brunch and the company. This is truly a wonderful way to start your day with mitzvot all.
around. ~~ Suggested minimum donation is $10.00~~ RSVP today!