Dear Ohav Family:
We are pleased to announce that on Friday, July 24, 2020, we will hold our first Kabbalat Shabbat service OUTSIDE. We are doing this on an experimental basis as we all learn how we can worship safely together outdoors.
The service will begin at 6pm on the concrete “Sukkah slab” behind the building.
Participants will enter through the outside front gate to the playground. You will be greeted there by a fellow congregant and will have your temperature checked.
The service will consist of a slightly abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat service, with the chanting of the psalms and Lecha Dodi, as well as brief selections from the evening prayers and Kiddush. The service will last approximately 30 -40 minutes.
Participation is open to Ohav members over the age of bar/bat mitzvah.
In order to ensure a safe environment, with adequate physical distancing, participation in this first service will be limited to 18 individuals.
All attendees must pre-register using the form at the bottom of this page. This is essential to ensure that we do not have more people than we can safely accommodate, and so that we have a log of attendees in the event that contact tracing becomes necessary. Please pre-register before noon, Thursday July 23 so we can plan appropriately.
All attendees must wear a mask at all times, and are asked to maintain safe distancing at the entry and exit points and throughout the entire time that you are at Ohav.
Please note these additional requirements for the safety of all present:
The service will not be held if it is raining. Please check the Ohav website, if the weather is questionable.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation. We are excited to take the first steps in worshipping together in person.
Your Return to Shul for Worship Team