This past June, Ohav held its first Mah Jongg evening. Thirty women came together for an evening of fun, food and even prizes! Women of varying levels of experience joined us from those who have played for decades to those who have never played at all!! The evening was such a hit that many have asked to have Mah Jongg Nights on a regular basis.
Stating next Thursday night, Oct. 10th we will get together and will continue to meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month fro 7:00pm-9:00pm. If you already play in a group, bring everyone. If you don’t play regularly you can join a table of people matching your level of play.Or, if you want to learn how to play this wonderfully fun game, a teacher will be available.
please make sure you RSVP so we can ensure the right number of tables and chairs. The deadline to RSVP is the Tuesday before each game night.
If you have questions, please email Laurie Abelson. Looking forward to beginning a new Ohav tradition!
Donations will be accepted to help defray the cost of healthy snacks, coffee and tea.