The breezy Miracle on South Division Street, written by Tom Dudzick, is the lightest of comedies, with humor coasting on simple stereotypes about religion and ethnicity. Under the talented direction of Ohav’s own, Michelle Ungerman Sanders, the Noodle Pudding Players’ (Debra Burger, Tracy Mosher, Anton Pasquill & Nicole Peterson) production brings out the warmth of this situation comedy. Don’t miss it! Show times are:
Thursday, Dec. 15 – 7PM OPENING NIGHT!
Saturday, Dec. 17 – 7PM
Sunday, Dec. 18 – 4:30PM (afternoon performance) followed by Chanukah candle lighting and a Chanukah latke dinner!
Mon. Dec. 19 – 6:45PM Chanukah candle lighting, 7PM show
Tues. Dec. 20 – 6:45PM Chanukah candle lighting, 7PM show
Wed. Dec. 21 – 6:45PM Chanukah candle lighting, 7PM show
Show tickets (which can be purchased online, below) are $20.00 per ticket
Show & Dinner tickets (which can be purchased online, below) are $40.00
Sign up today to volunteer to sell tickets and concessions at intermission!