SCHOLARSTREAM is a four part series which gives communities the opportunity to engage with our texts and traditions.
The first two series will begin in November and will meet for one hour each week.
Tuesday @ 8PM – December 1st & 8th
Hidden Histories and Untold Stories: Join JTS scholars and uncover the hidden context around biblical figures and important eras in Jewish history.
Wednesdays @ 10:00PM – December 2nd & 9th
Equity, Forgiveness and Intersectionality: Join Ziegler and explore issues related to race, gender equality, intersectionality and building a democracy of the future.
Co-Sponsored by:
Congregation Ohav Shalom & Temple Israel
Program support from the TI Adult Education Committee &
Ohav Educational Program Fund
Register here.
Registration required to receive meeting codes.
For more information, presenters and course descriptions, visit