Shabbat Shalom,
With the High Holy Days now behind us, we are back up and running with our in person Shabbat services. We are so happy to be able to have several families celebrate the b’nai mitzvah of their child over the next 2 months. As with everything surrounding our access to in-person services and being in the building in general, the health and safety of our congregants and guests are of the utmost importance to us. When looking at the safety end of this, I really need your help! We have all agreed that as the welcoming community we have at Ohav Shalom, as well as to keep everyone safe, we would have greeters at the doors for Shabbat. This allows us to keep all of the doors to the building locked and secured. Those of you who come regularly, will have seen me along with a couple of others greeting at the main entrance. The few of us regulars cannot continue to be the only greeters and therefore we need your help. We are in need of others volunteers to take a shift here and there to spread out the responsibility. The job is not difficult, you do not need to stand the whole time, the shifts are only an hour and 15 minutes, and you will not have to tackle an intruder. You just need to be welcoming and present to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I am happy to spend as much time as needed to talk through this process with anyone willing and able to volunteer. It is important to know, you do not need to be on the Board of Trustees to greet. I am pleased to tell you that besides my concern to make sure that you are all safe, the other reason for I chose to be a Shabbat morning greeter is the feeling I get to when welcoming and connecting with all of you. If you are willing and able to volunteer for 1 or 2 shifts, please follow the link below to our signup page and follow the directions to sign up. If you have any troubles whatsoever, please feel free to email me directly with the date(s) and shift(s) you want to sign up for and I’ll sign you up.
Thank you so much for all of the help you can provide us,
Gregg Fox
Ohav Shalom President