Shalom, fellow Ohav congregants:
I hope all of you are enjoying this summer in spite of all the rain! As we continue to navigate challenging times, I hope that you and your families are able to enjoy being outside more and are staying safe and healthy. At Ohav, we have begun enjoying being together in-person for Shabbat morning davening as well as in-person morning minyan on Mondays and Thursdays. How good it has been to be with each other!
The current situation concerning the pandemic continues to be fluid. The Delta Variant has spread through our region and nation and has resulted in serious spikes in infection rates. As has been the case from the start of the pandemic, the Ohav leadership has closely monitored health and medical guidelines designed to promote safety in this time of constant change.
In light of the latest CDC guidelines, input from medical professionals, increased incidence of COVID-19 infections in Albany County and the highly contagious nature of the Delta Variant, the Executive Committee voted to require that everyone entering the building must be masked when in our public spaces, including the Sanctuary, or when interacting with others inside the building. Activities outdoors do not require masks, though we still ask that you respect, when possible, others’ need for appropriate distancing. This decision will go into effect beginning with Shabbat, August 7. Anyone electing to wear a mask outdoors will be supported in doing so.
This decision was not made lightly. The Executive Committee balanced the importance of being together in-person for worship, education, socializing and community with providing a safe environment. While we understand that this may be an inconvenience for some, under the current circumstances, this is a prudent way to keep us moving forward safely. We will continue to monitor the virus incidence in our area, as well as health guidance, and we will keep you updated about any changes.
The High Holy Days are fast approaching and we are putting the finishing touches on all our programs and services. Be sure to look for your High Holy Day packet in the mail and continue to read your emails from Ohav as we keep you up to date with any new information. The website also will have updates and all of the High Holy Day information. We are looking forward to a meaningful High Holy Days together.
As always, we appreciate your patience, understanding and especially your cooperation. All together, we can protect each other when we are together. Enjoy the rest of your summer as we gear up for an exciting 5782 and as always feel free to contact me or the office if you have any concerns or questions.
Gregg Fox, President