Ohav Shalom is pleased to offer the opportunity for people to join the Honorary Committee in support of the Tribute to Rabbi Rena Kieval.
About Honorary Committee (HC) Membership:
- All Honorary Committee support provides virtual attendance at the Tribute Brunch.
- The name(s) of each HC member will be printed on the invitation (if received by the deadline of April 1, 2022).
- The name of each HC member will be listed in the Commemorative Program (available online).
- You will receive one virtual ticket for each individual Honorary Committee membership purchased.
- Honorary Committee membership is limited to people. Businesses or organizations who wish to support this event are encouraged to purchase an ad or tribute in the Commemorative Program or to become a Tribute Sponsor.
I/we understand there will be a limited amount of in-person space at the Brunch due to COVID restrictions, and that in-person tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to all ticket holders. If we wish to attend in the tent, we recognize that we will need to register through the website on May 16 beginning at 6 PM when the link for in-person reservations becomes available.