Congregation Ohav Shalom

Building Community Celebrating Tradition

113 New Krumkill Road, Albany, NY 12208 / (518) 489-4706 / Email Us /

High Hoy Days: Ushers Needed!

Dear Congregant,

Shana Tovah!  The High Holidays are almost here, and once again we’ll be back together to worship.  As you know, ushering plays an important role in maintaining safety, security and solemnity during the holiday services. Ushers maintain people’s movements, provide exit location information, and help maintain noise control to allow continuation of services without interruption.  It is important that we maintain a full complement of people at the various door locations to keep things running smoothly.   We are once again asking for your help.

Many of you have served as ushers in the past, and you continue to return year after year and for that, we’re eternally grateful! For those of you signing up for the first time, thank you as well.  Signing up is easy, and participation for any time slot is no greater than 1.5 hours. Here’s how to sign up. 

Click this sign-up link: Ohav Shalom Ushering: High Holy Day Ushering (   Once the sign-up page opens, you will find the list of days, times and door locations that need to be covered.  Click the time slot of your choice.  Please note that you can sign up for multiple time slots, if you so choose.  Once you have completed selecting dates and times, click the Submit and Sign Up button at the bottom of the page.  Enter your first and last name and your email address.  Then click, Sign Up Now.

If you experience any difficulty signing up, please contact me, Neil Piper and include your signup information.  Please include the date, door, time slot, and whether it is outside (lobby side), or inside (sanctuary side).  I’ll enter your selection(s) for you and let you know they’re entered. 

Thanks for being part of what makes Congregation Ohav Shalom such a warm and welcoming place to daven during the High Holy Days.  You will be provided with an information email explaining Ushering duties and locations of exit doors should the need arrive to use them.

If you have questions, please contact me or the Ohav office.  I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year.

L’Shanah Tovah,

Neil Piper