Jay Worona will present a program titled “Whither the First Amendment, Separation of Church and State” at a Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner hosted by Congregation Ohav Shalom, 113 New Krumkill Road, Albany on Friday, December 8, 2017 beginning at 6 pm. The evening will include a traditional Shabbat Chicken Dinner (vegetarian option available upon request) followed Continue Reading »
In keeping with the year’s theme, “Judaism from the Inside Out”, Congregation Ohav Shalom announces two rabbi-led classes beginning in November. Talmud Class with Rabbi Dan Ornstein Rabbi Ornstein will lead a class in the study of Talmud, the great Jewish tradition. This class is open to the community and no prior knowledge of Hebrew Continue Reading »
The Board of Directors of B’Yachad, the joint religious school serving students from Congregation Ohav Shalom, Temple Israel and B’nai Shalom, announces that Rabbi Miriam Midlarsky Lichtenfeld is the new B’Yachad Education Director. The previous director, Ruth Malka, has stepped down from her position. Rabbi Miriam has been in the area since 2008 and has Continue Reading »
On Sunday, August 14 at 10 am, the community will gather at the Ohav Shalom flagpoles to commemorate the murder of eleven members of the Israeli team by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Taking place on Tisha b’Av, the Jewish day of national mourning, this observance will consist of a brief Continue Reading »
Congregation Ohav Shalom was one of three local entities honored by the Capital Region Refugee Roundtable on June 20, 2016, World Refugee Day, in recognition of its dedication of time, resources, and programs to refugees who have resettled in the Capital Region. Along with the English as a New Language Department within the City School Continue Reading »
President Libby Post will be recognized for her dedication and commitment to Congregation Ohav Shalom at a Kiddush lunch in her honor following Shabbat services on Saturday, May 14, 2016. Libby will complete her term as Ohav’s president in mid May. During her four-year tenure as President, Libby led the way in making governance changes Continue Reading »
The Noodle Pudding Players presents Wendy Wasserstein’s award-winning play “The Sisters Rosensweig at Congregation Ohav Shalom, 113 New Krumkill Road, Albany, December 20-25. Meet Sara, Pfeni and Gorgeous, three sisters originally from Brooklyn, who reunite in August 1991 in London for the eldest’s 54th birthday. One sister clings to her Jewish heritage, another clings to Continue Reading »
Congregation Ohav Shalom will present Beau Jest, a side-splitting lighthearted romp into marriage, dating vs. child relationships, and confused identities August 10-13 at 113 New Krumkill Road, Albany. The latest offering of The Noodle Pudding Players (formerly known as the Ohav Players) is directed by Michelle Ungerman Sanders and features local talent including Ashliann Arditi, Continue Reading »
Congregation Ohav Shalom, located at 113 New Krumkill Road, Albany, presents several events to mark Shavuot, the time when the first fruits of the harvest were brought to Jerusalem amid joyous celebration and thanksgiving. The Shavuot First Fruits Celebration – featuring fun, learning and food– takes place on Sunday, June 1 from 10 am to Continue Reading »
Congregation Ohav Shalom will host its first “Torah Tailgate” party at 113 New Krumkill Road, Albany on Saturday, February 1, 2014 from 6:30 – 10 pm. On the eve of Super Bowl 2014, this event features kosher chicken wings, vegetarian chili and more, plus kosher beer from the Schmaltz Brewing Company of Clifton Park. Proceeds Continue Reading »